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New MasterWatch WebSite

Commercial credit information agency MasterWatch has a new and improved website to make life easier for online clients.
Located at the website has been completely revamped and is packed full of useful information, news, advice and contacts
MasterWatch is also encouraging clients, both old and new, to use the site to view our new products -. Our technical and support staff at our head office in Leeds and throughout the UK have committed to responding to all online enquiries within 12 hours.
Joe Billington MasterWatchs Managing Director said, “We have state-of-the-art sales and technical facilities in Leeds and our mobile supports units throughout the UK means we can offer a professional and swift service. The new website is a fantastic source of information and ideal for clients with busy working lives who prefer to conduct their business via email and the Internet.”

Bankruptcy rules set to change again!
The government is launching two consultations on current bankruptcy rules introduced under the Enterprise Act because of a massive rise in people walking away from their debts.
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What is credit checking and why bother?
if you sell to other businesses, giving credit is probably something you do without even thinking about it. It's a normal part of doing business. Your customers expect it...
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According to figures from the Bank of England the number of companies going out of business in 2003 was 10 per cent up on 2002

Chasing Bad Debt (Enterprise Act)

The Enterprise Act came into force on 15th September 2003. One of the most significant effects of this Act is to deprive the Inland Revenue and HM Customs & Excise of their Crown Preference over most other creditors.

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